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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College celebrates Loyalty Day for military retirees and veterans

On Thursday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College celebrated Loyalty Day for military retirees and veterans, with the participation of a number of retired commanders, officers, and salaries of the college. This celebration is part of the celebrations held by the Jordanian Armed Forces with its various units.

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The Joint Military Education in the 21st Century Conference

The command of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Brigadier General Khaled Bani Younis, participated in the activities of the Joint Military Education in the 21st Century Conference

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A lecture entitled The Royal Vision for Political Modernization at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Al-Abadi delivered a lecture entitled “The Royal Vision for Political Modernization” to scholars in the Defense 21 and Master’s Programs in Strategies in Confronting Extremism and Terrorism

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NATO Military Commission Chairman Admiral Rob Power visited the Royal Jordanian National Defence College

During the visit, a number of topics of common interest were discussed and Exchanged of experiences between both sides.

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A symposium was held at the Royal National Defense College entitled "The Role of the Center for Scholars and Research in the Foreign Policy of the Jo

On Tuesday, a symposium was held at the Royal National Defense College entitled "The Role of the Center for Scholars and Research in the Foreign Policy of the Jordanian State" for scholars in the National Defense Course / 20

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on Tuesday, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General Youssef Ahmed Al-Hunaiti, inaugurated the Al-Karama Hall at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, which came on the day of the celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of Al-Karama, in which the Arab army wrote the most wonderful images of heroism and shattered the myth of Israel's military superiority. He was received by the college commander. Brigadier General Azzam Rawahneh.

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The Commandant of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College visits the State of Kuwait

Commandant of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, accompanied by a delegation of members of the directing staff and scholars in the 20th Defense Course and the 6th Strategies in Confronting Extremism and Terrorism Master Program in the State of Kuwait.

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The President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Omar Sissoko-Ombalo and the accompanying delegation visited the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Tuesday, in the presence of Minister of Youth Muhammad Salama Nabulsi, head of the accompanying mission.

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The Director General of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday, the Director General of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority, Eng. Abdul Rahim Al-Wreikat, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on national policies in the field of transportation and Jordanian national security, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Azzam Rawahneh, and the president and members of its Directing staff.

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The Minister of Investment lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Tuesday, the Minister of Investment, Kholoud Al-Saqqaf, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for scholars in the 20th Defense Course, entitled "Investment Promotion Policies", in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General

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A symposium entitled "The Political, Social and Economic Role of Women in Jordanian Society" was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, a symposium was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "The Political, Social and Economic Role of Women in Jordanian Society" for scholars in the National Defense Course 20, in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General Azzam Al-rawahnah.

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The head of the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Sunday ;The head of the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Khaled Touqan, delivered Sunday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, a lecture for scholars in the 20th National Defense Course entitled "Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, A Case Study (Jordanian Nuclear Program)" in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General Azzam Al-rawahnah , and the directing staff in the college.

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College organizes a symposium with the American National Defense University by a platform

on Wednesday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College organized a joint seminar with the American National Defense University by a platform, entitled "Challenges Facing Global Supply Chains".

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A memorandum of understanding to enhance joint cooperation between the Royal Jordanian National Defense College and Al-Ahliyya Amman University

On Monday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College and Al-Ahliyya Amman University concluded a joint memorandum of understanding to enhance research and academic cooperation between the two sides.

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Secretary General of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Dr. Jihad Al-Mahamid, said: “His Majesty King Abdullah II directed the government, in November 2021, to develop a long-term water strategy (2040) that addresses the challenges facing Jordan in this sector, with a clear vision for the development of the sector.” Using technology to address water challenges, quantify the amount of water wasted, address this important issue and take action to treat and reuse water in agriculture and industry, to counter the impact of climate change on the water sector.

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Former Prime Minister Ensour lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Former Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Ensour said: "It is agreed that no progress or stability is possible without peace, not in the country itself but in the entire region."

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The Royal National Defense College organizes a panel discussion entitled "Regional challenges and threats and their impact on Jordanian national secur

On Monday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College organized a dialogue session in cooperation with the Amman Future Dialogues Group, entitled: "Regional challenges and threats and their impact on Jordanian national security," with the participation of many experts and specialists.

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The Minister of Agriculture lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Minister of Agriculture, Eng. Khaled Al-Hunaifat, said: "The issue of food security receives royal attention and a special priority in Jordan, as food security was the biggest challenge in 2021 after the emergence of the Corona virus."

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President of Mutah University lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The President of Mutah University, Dr. Arafat Awajan, said: "His Majesty the Supreme Leader, King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, referred in the seventh discussion paper to the importance of concerted efforts of all, people, government, and private and public institutions, to provide an incubating environment and secure the necessary needs, in order to build our human capabilities through A sound and effective educational system that bears fruit every time, with the effort of the sons and daughters of this country of all walks of life.”

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Lecture entitled "British Foreign Policy in the Middle East" at the Royal National Defense College

on Wednesday, the British Ambassador to Amman, Bridget Brind, delivered a lecture to the scholars of the 20th Defense Course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "British Foreign Policy in the Middle East", in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General and directing staff

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The Minister of Culture lectures at Minister the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

on Tuesday, the Minister of Culture, Dr. Haifa Al-Najjar, delivered a lecture for scholars in the defense course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "Jordanian Culture between the Benefits of Globalization and the Requirements of National Security", in the presence of the College's Commandant, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh, and the Chairman and members of directing staff.

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The Governor of the Central Bank lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Tuesday The Governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Adel Al-Sharkas, affirmed that the Jordanian economy is moving steadily towards recovery, supported by monetary and financial stability and a high level of foreign currency reserves amounting to $17.3 billion, and this contributed to raising the expectations of the growth of the Jordanian economy for the year 2022 to 2.7% compared to With the previous expectations for the same year amounting to 2.4%, and maintaining it at a level of 2.7% during the years 2024 and 2025, despite the International Monetary Fund's reduction in its forecasts for the growth of the global economy.

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Director General of the Institution for Standards and Metrology. Lecturing at the National Defense College

On Monday, the Director General of the Standards and Metrology Institution, Eng. Abeer Barakat Al-Zuhair, delivered a lecture entitled "The Impact of the Standards and Metrology Institution's Strategy on National Security", for scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General

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The Minister of Social Development lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, the Minister of Social Development, Wafa Bani Mustafa, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled: "The Ministry of Social Development and its Role in Preserving Jordanian National Security" for the students of the 20th National Defense Course, in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General. Azzam Rawahneh and the Chairman and members of the directing staff.

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The conclusion of the activities of a course for trainers on the counter-terrorism reference curriculum at the Military Center for Combating Terrorism

A course for trainers on the counter-terrorism reference curriculum was concluded at the Military Center for Combating Terrorism and Extremism, in cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Defense Capabilities Development and Strategic Education Program.

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College organizes a dialogue session entitled Towards strengthening bridges of trust between state institutions a

On Sunday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College organized a dialogue session entitled: "Towards strengthening bridges of trust between state institutions and citizens," with the participation of many experienced and specialized senior retirees of the Jordanian Armed Forces and security services, and the Amman Future Dialogues Group.

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The head of the Civil Service Bureau lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense CollegeV

On Monday, the head of the Civil Service Bureau, Sameh Al-Nasser, delivered a lecture entitled "The Civil Service Bureau's strategy in reducing unemployment and employing competencies in state institutions", for scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college's commander, Brigadier General

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College participates in a symposium organized by the Nasser Military Academy for Postgraduate Studies via ZOOM pl

In cooperation with the Nasser Military Academy for Postgraduate Studies and with the participation of many academies and colleges in the Republic of Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, India, Tanzania, China, Greece and a number of colleges at the level of Egyptian universities, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College participated on Monday, via the ZOOM platform, in a scientific symposium organized by the Nasser Academy Military for postgraduate studies / Egyptian National Defense College, entitled "Contemporary international issues and their impact on global peace and security."

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The Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Minister of digital economy and entrepreneurship Ahmed Al-Hananda said that protecting information assets in the Kingdom is crucial to ensuring the security of all workers and residents, creating new investment opportunities, developing businesses while increasing their effectiveness and efficiency, and due to the importance of cybersecurity, the government has issued the National Strategy for Cybersecurity 2018-2023 and a set of Institutional policies related to national cybersecurity, as the Ministry realizes the importance of having an effective cybersecurity system at the national level, as cyberspace requires systematic and comprehensive protection at the international, local and sectoral levels.

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The Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Eng. Wajih Azaiza

The Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Eng. Wajih Azaiza, confirmed that the three paths of modernization; Political, economic and administrative interdependent and inseparable, which represents the national interest and strategy of the state in its second centenary, as it was able in its first centenary to overcome all challenges.

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The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dr. Saleh Kharabsheh, said: “The policy of diversitying the sources of natural gas supply and the long-term natural gas supply agreements, according to the current supply contracts, achieved savings during the first nine months of this year amounting to about $ 2.1 billion, which protected the National Electric Power Company from a rise Global LNG prices.

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The Bar Association lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, the Head of the Bar, Lawyer Yahya Abu Abboud, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Civil Society Institutions and Their Role in Protecting Jordanian National Security" for scholars in the 20th Defense Course In the presence of the college commandant, Brigadier General P.S.C. Azzam Al Rawahneh, and the head and members of the college’s directing staff

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The Minister of Government Communication lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Minister of Government Communication, Government Spokesman Faisal Al-Shboul said: "The creation of the Ministry of Government Communication is one of the achievements of the roadmap to modernize the public sector, which the government is currently working on, along with the political and economic modernization tracks."

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The European delegate to the Middle East lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

on Thursday, the European Union's Special delegate for the Middle East Peace Process, Sven Koepmans, delivered a lecture entitled "The Concept of Peace and Is Peace Possible in a Multi-Variable Security Environment", for scholars in the 20 National Defense Course, in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh, and the President and members of directing staff.

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The conclusion of the activities of the diplomacy and international security policy course at the National Defense College

on Thursday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College concluded a diplomacy and international security policy course in cooperation with the Geneva Center for Security Policies (GCSP), in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh, the Swiss Ambassador and Director of the Regional Development Program at the Geneva Center for Security Policy Colonel Luohu, and a number of Arab and foreign military attachés in amman and the head and members of the directing staff at the college.

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the Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, lectures at the National Defense College

on Tuesday the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom, Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Khasawneh, gave a lecture to scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled “The Islamic Perspective on International Relations among Nations”, in the presence of the Chairman and members of the directing staff.

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Inauguration of the Diplomacy and International Security Policy Course at the National Defense College

on Sunday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College inaugurated a diplomacy and international security policy course in cooperation with the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP), in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh, the Director of the Regional Development Program at the Geneva Center for Security Policy Colonel Luohu, and the head and members of the directing staff at the college.

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The Secretary General of the Higher Population Council lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

on Wednesday, the Secretary-General of the Higher Population Council, Dr. Issa Al-Masarwe, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Population Policy in Jordan and its Relationship to Jordanian National Security", to scholars in the 20th Defense course, in the presence of the head and members of the directing staff.

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Director of Public Security lectures at the Royal National Defense College

Director of Public Security: The royal directives guide our work, and we seek to translate them into tangible reality with conscious plans for the challenges. Our war on drugs continues to eliminate drug dealers and their promoters, and security men are making sacrifices to protect society from this devastating scourge.

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Inauguration of the Crisis and Disaster Management Program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Sunday The Royal Jordanian National Defense College inaugurated the Crisis and Disaster Management Program, which is organized by the college within the parallel academic programs that are held annually in its premises for a number of sectors of the state, in the presence of the Head of directing staff Brigadier General Khaled Bani Younis and His Highness Deputy Head of the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, Brigadier General Staff Hatem Al-Zoubi and members of the directing staff.

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates lecturing at the National Defense College

On Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Ayman Safadi, delivered a lecture for scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs'

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The Chief Justice lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday, Chief Justice Sheikh Abdul Hafez Al-Rabtah, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, delivered a lecture entitled "Islam and Moderation" to scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college's commander, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh, and the head and members of the directing staff at the college.

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Graduation of participants in the national strategic planning program for middle government leaders

On Tuesday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College celebrated the graduation of the participants in the strategic planning program for middle government leaders, which was organized by the college within the parallel academic programs that are held annually in its premises for a number of sectors of the state, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh.

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Assistant Secretary-General of the Higher Council for Science and Technology lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology, Dr. Hussam Al-Khasawneh, gave a lecture to scholars in the National Defense Course

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Graduation of the Art of Leadership, Management and Strategic Planning Course for Doctors part2 at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Art of Leadership, Management and Strategic Planning Course for Doctors part2 concluded on Wednesday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, which is organized within the parallel academic programs that are held annually for a number of sectors of the state, in the presence of the Director General of the Royal Medical Services, Brigadier General Doctor Yousef Zureikat and the Commander of the National Defense College Royal Jordanian Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh.

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The President of the University of Jordan lectures at the National Defense College

On Sunday The President of the University of Jordan, Dr. Nazir Obeidat, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "The University Environment and its Role in Promoting Political Reforms" for scholars in the twentieth defense course at the college.

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The Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Wajih Owais, delivered a lecture entitled "Educational Policy in Jordan and the Role of the Ministry of Education in Jordan's National Security", to scholars in the National Defense Course/20, in the presence of a commander College Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh and the head and members of the directing staff at the college.

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The Minister of Interior lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya said: "The most important pillars of internal security are national unity, and it is the basis of security and stability in the country. Each of his positions works within an integrated system through which it seeks to secure and protect the homeland and society from all dangers, in addition to the pillars of the rule of law and the preservation of economic and social security." Consolidating the democratic approach and focusing on moderation and tolerance, rejecting extremist ideology and accepting the other.

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Deputizing For The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff, Major General Yousef Ahmed Al-Hunaiti, The Assistant Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff For Operations And Training, Brigadier General Abdullah Shdeifat, Inaugurated, On Sunday, The 20 National Defense Courses And The Master's Program On Strategies In Confronting Extremism And Terrorism/6 And The Command And Staff Course/63, Joint/ 27, In The Presence Of The Commanders Of The Royal National Defense Colleges And The Royal Command And Staff, A Number Of Senior Officers Of The Armed Forces And Security Services, And Military Attachés Of Friendly Countries.

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On Monday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College inaugurated a training course entitled "Strategic Leadership", in cooperation with the Near East Center for Strategic Studies (NESA), for scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college's commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh and members of the directing staff.

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A lecture entitled "The Role of Strategic Communications in Achieving Comprehensive Jordanian National Security" at the Royal Jordanian National Defen

The Director General of the Special Communications Commission, Brigadier General Dr. Hisham Khreisat, gave a lecture to scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, entitled “The Role of Strategic Communications in Achieving Comprehensive Jordanian National Security,” in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh and head of direct staff members.

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A lecture entitled "Time Management" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Retired Major General Zaher Al-Tarawneh gave a lecture to the scholars of the 20th National Defense Course, entitled "Time Management" in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh and members of the directing staff

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Deputizing for His Majesty King Abdullah II, Supreme Commander of Jordanian Armed Forces, HRH Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, Crown Prince sponsore

Deputizing for His Majesty King Abdullah II, Supreme Commander of Jordanian Armed Forces, HRH Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, Crown Prince sponsored graduation ceremony of the 19th National Defense Course, for holders of a master’s degree in management and strategic studies and a master’s degree in strategies to confront extremism and terrorism 5. Upon the arrival of His Highness the Crown Prince, accompanied by Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Al-Khasawneh, His Highness was received by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General Yousef Ahmed Al-Hunaiti.

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Distribution of diploma certificates to scholars in Defense Course 19

On Wednesday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College celebrated the distribution of postgraduate diploma certificates to scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of its directing staff.

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His Royal Highness Prince El-Hassan bin Talal met scholars in 19th Defense Course

His Royal Highness Prince El-Hassan bin Talal met scholars in 19th Defense Course and Master of Studies in Combating Extremism and Terrorism 5 at RJNDC, in the presence of Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General Yousef Al-Hunaiti, college’s commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, number of senior officers, ambassadors of Arab and foreign countries and military attachés on Monday.

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Commander of RJNDC, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, inaugurated leadership and administrative qualification program for doctors

Sunday, Commander of RJNDC, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, inaugurated leadership and administrative qualification program for doctors, which is organized by RJNDC within the parallel academic programs that are held annually in its premises for a number of states sectors.

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Minister of labor lectures at Royal Jordanian national defense collage

Today, Minister of Labor Nayef Istitieh lectured at RJNDC about "Labor Market and Manpower in Jordan", for scholars in 19th National Defense Course, in presence of college's commander, Brigadier General P.S.C. Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and head and DS.

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College organized a symposium entitled "Cryptocurrencies and their impact on Jordan's national security"

On Tuesday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College organized a symposium entitled "Cryptocurrencies and their impact on Jordan's national security", for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college's commander, Brigadier General Staff Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of the college's directing staff.

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The former Minister of Justice lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense college

On Monday, Former Minister of Justice Dr. Bassam Talhouni gave a lecture entitled "The Judicial Authority and its Role in Reducing Crimes and Their Impact on Jordan's National Security" for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the College's Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of directing staff.

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The Minister of Culture lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Tuesday ,Minister Of Culture Haifa Al-Najjar Gave A Lecture For scholars In The Defense Course/19, At The Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Entitled "Culture Between The Benefits Of Globalization And The Requirements For Strengthening Jordan's National Security", In The Presence Of The College's Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, And The Head And Members Of The directing staff.

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A commander of the Royal Jordanian Defense college met with some former commanders and employees of the college

On Tuesday, The Commander of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh met with a number of commanders and former employees of the college, on the occasion of the Day of Loyalty for Military Retirees and Veterans.

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The Mufti of the Jordanian Armed Forces lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, Brigadier general Mufti of the Jordanian armed forces, Dr. Majid de la Rushi, delivered a speech entitled "national security in Jordan from a religious perspective" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense college For the scholars in 19th courses which was attended by a commander Dr. Awad tarawneh president and directing of the college.

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Minister of tourism and Archaeology lecture at the royal Jordanian national defense college

On Thursday The Minister of tourism and archaeology, Naif Al-Fayez, delivered a speech entitled "National Tourism Strategy" for participants in the 19th national defense course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense college

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration Tawfiq Krishan gave a lecture to scholars in the 19th Defense Course entitled "The Role of the Ministry of Local Administration and Municipalities in consolidating and strengthening national security."

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Minister of Social Development Ayman Riad Al-Mufleh gave a lecture entitled "The Ministry of Social Development and its Role in Preserving Jordan's Na

on Tuesday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Minister of Social Development Ayman Riad Al-Mufleh gave a lecture entitled "The Ministry of Social Development and its Role in Preserving Jordan's National Security" for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the head and members of the college's directing staff.

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The President of the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, the President of the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Khaled Toukan, delivered a lecture to scholars in the 19th National Defense Course entitled Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, a case study of the "Jordanian nuclear program", in the presence of commander, head and members of the directing staff at the college.

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Director of the Jordanian Center for Design and Development (JODDB) lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

on Sunday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, the Director of the Jordan Center for Design and Development (JODDB), Brigadier-General Ayman Al-Batran, gave a lecture entitled (International Challenges of Defense Technology Transfer, and its Impact on Defense Industries and Contemporary Technologies in Jordan) for students in Defense Course 19, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, head and members of the directing staff.

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the Director of the Regional Office of the National Committee of the international committee of the Red Cross/Jordan, Sarah Avrilud, gave a lectur

on Monday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, the Director of the Regional Office of the National Committee of the international committee of the Red Cross/Jordan, Sarah Avrilud, gave a lecture entitled “International Humanitarian Law (Law in War)” for scholars in the 19th Defense course, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, President and members of directing staff .

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A seminar was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "The Law of Defense in Emergency Situations and its Role in Crisis Manage

on Sunday, a seminar was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "The Law of Defense in Emergency Situations and its Role in Crisis Management", for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, President and members of directing staff.

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The Director of the Standards and Metrology Institution, Eng. Abeer Barakat Al-Zuhair, gave a lecture entitled "The Strategy of the Standards and Metr

On Sunday, The Director of the Standards and Metrology Institution, Eng. Abeer Barakat Al-Zuhair, gave a lecture entitled "The Strategy of the Standards and Metrology Department and its impact on Jordanian national security", for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of the directing staff.

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The President of the Hashemite University lectures at the National Defense College

On Thursday, the President of the Hashemite University, Dr. Fawaz Al-Zubun, delivered a lecture entitled “The Role of Official Universities in Strengthening Jordanian National Security” for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of directing staff.

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Graduation of participants in the second strategic planning program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Thursday Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh sponsored the graduation of the participants in the second strategic planning program which was organized by the Royal National Defense College within the parallel academic programs that are held annually in its premises for a number of sectors of the state.

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Vice President of the National Center for Security and Crisis Management lecturing at the National Defense College

On Tuesday, His Highness, Deputy Head of the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, Brigadier General Hatem Al-Zoubi, gave a lecture entitled “Crisis Management, “Propaganda Industry”, for students in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the Commander of the National Defense College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of directing staff.

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The inauguration of the second strategic planning program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

on Sunday, the Commander of the National Defense College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, inaugurated the second strategic planning program, which is organized by the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, within the parallel academic programs that are held annually for a number of sectors of the state.

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Professor of International Relations at Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Dr. Tariq Abu Hazeem, gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense Col

. Professor of International Relations at Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Dr. Tariq Abu Hazeem, gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled “States Levels and their Geo-Strategic Roles at the Regional and International Level” for scholar in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college’s commander, Brigadier Generl DR awad al tarawnah and directing staff.

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President of Civil Service Bureau lectures at RJNDC

On Monday, President of Civil Service Bureau, Sameh Al-Nasser, gave a lecture entitled “Civil Service Bureau Strategy in Reducing Unemployment and Employing Competencies in State Institutions” to scholars of 19th National Defense Course, in presence of College Commandant, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the head and members of college’s directing staff.

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Inauguration of Strategic Planning Program/1 at RJNDC

Commandant of RJNDC, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al- Tarawneh, in presence of President of Civil Service Bureau Sameh Al-Nasser, inaugurated works of Strategic Planning Program/1 today, Monday, which is organized by RJNDC within the parallel academic programs that are held annually in its premises for a number of state sectors.

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Graduation of the participants in the second phase of government leadership program at RJNDC

Commander of National Defense College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, in the presence of Director General of Institute of Public Administration, sponsored Thursday, graduation of the participants in the second phase of government leadership program (field training phase), which was organized by RJNDC in cooperation with Institute of Public Administration as a stage.

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A delegation from RJNDC visits Arab Potash Company

A delegation from RJNDC, headed by College’s Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and with participation of head and members of the College’s directing staff, visited Arab Potash Company in order to see work mechanisms in Arab potash factories and company’s leading role in Jordanian national economy.

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A delegation from NATO Defense College visits RJNDC

A delegation from NATO Defense College / Rome, headed by Lieutenant-General Oliver Pierre Rittmann, visited RJNDC today, Tuesday.

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RJNDC organizes a symposium on "The Role of Department of Statistics in Supporting Decision-Makers, Formulating Development Policies and Confronting C

Thursday, a seminar was held at RJNDC entitled "The Role of Department of Statistics in Supporting Decision-Makers, Drawing Development Policies and Facing Crises" for scholars in Defense Course/19, in presence of head and members of directing staff. The symposium, in which Dr. Shaher Al-Shawabkeh, Director of Department of General Statistics, Dr. Hadhram Al-Fayez, Director of Policy and Studies Department at the Ministry of Planning, and Dr. Ahmed Al-Naimat, media spokesperson at Crisis Management Center, participated in, aimed to identify the role of public statistics in monitoring the demographic reality and department’s strategy in facing the challenges of Corona pandemic, In addition to explaining the importance of statistical data in forecasting, assessing the situation, and strengthening horizontal linkage and coordination during the crisis

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Former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lectures at RJNDC

On Tuesday, former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eng. Hala Zawati, gave a lecture at RJNDC entitled “The Mining and Mineral Resources Sector in Jordan” for scholars in 19th Defense Course, in presence of college’s commander, head and members of directing staff.

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Director General of Income and Sales Tax Department lectures at RJNDC

Director General of Income Tax, Dr. Hussam Abu Ali, at RJNDC, gave a lecture entitled "Income tax and its role in enhancing social security" for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in presence of commander, head and members of directing staff.

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Dr. Khalid Al-Karaki lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The president of the Arabic language complex, Dr. Khalid Al-Karaki, gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College For the scholars in 19th courses in the presence of a commander, president and directing of the college.

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Lecture entitled "Strategic Management of Human Resources" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Retired Brigadier General Dr. Fayez Al-Shadifat gave a lecture entitled "Strategic Management of Human Resources" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, For the scholars in 19th courses in the presence of a commander, president and directing of the college.

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Orange Executive Vice President lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Orange Executive Vice President Sami Samirat on Monday delivered a lecture entitled "The Role of Communications in National Security" For the scholars in 19th courses in the presence of a commander, president and directing of the college

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Opening of the second government leadership program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The second government leadership program, organized by the Royal National Defense College, opened Sunday as part of parallel academic programs held annually in a number of sectors of the country

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Dr. Ahmed Al-Malabeh lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Dr. Ahmed Al-Malabeh at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College gave a lecture entitled "Climate Change and Environmental Disasters", for scholars in the 19th Defense course in the presence of the college commandant Brig.Gen dr.awad al-tarawneh and the head of directing staff and directing staff in college.

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Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Abdul Hakim Al-Shabli, gave a lecture on Tuesday at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Financial Policy in Jordan" for scholars in the 19th Defense course in the presence of the college commandant Brig.Gen dr.awad al-tarawneh and the head of directing staff and directing staff in college.

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Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Engineer Musa Al-Maaita confirmed that the government has approved amendments related to the electoral laws and parties and the constitutional amendments associated with them and will be sent to the House of Representatives as a matter of urgency for discussion during the next regular session in order to develop political and party life in accordance with his Majesty the King's visions in the bicentenary of the Jordanian state. During his lecture on Monday at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Al-Maaita on "The Outcomes of the Royal Commission for the Modernization of the Political System", for scholars in the 19th Defense course in the presence of the college commandant Brig.Gen dr.awad al-tarawneh and the head of directing staff and directing staff in college.

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The Head of the Department of Administrative Information Systems, Business and Electronic Commerce at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Dr. Sultan Al-Masaeed gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled (E-Government and the Protection of Computer Networks) for students in the 19th Defense course in the presence of the college commandant Brig.Gen dr.awad al-tarawneh and the head of directing staff and directing staff in college.

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The Ambassador of the European Union in Amman

The Ambassador of the European Union in Amman lectures a entitled “The European Union, the security environment and politics in Europe and the Union's strategic vision for the twenty-first century “For the scholars in 19th courses in the presence of the college commandant Brig.Gen dr.awad al-tarawneh and the head of directing staff and directing staff in college.

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A head of the bar association gave The Lawyer Mazen Irshidat in Wednesday at royal Jordanian national defense college entitled "Civil Society Institutions and Their Role in Protecting Jordan's National Security" For the scholars in 19th courses in the presence of the college commandant Brig.Gen dr.awad al-tarawneh and the head of directing staff and directing staff in college .

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A lecture entitled Cyber Security at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

DR.j.midjely from the Center for Strategic Studies for Southeast Asia at the American Defense University (NISA), gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Cyber Security" to the scholars of the 19th National Defense Course

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Secretary General of Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation lectures at the National Defense College

The secretary general of ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Marwan Al-Refaae in the Wednesday at rjndc gave a lecture entitled “Strategic Planning and the Mechanisms of Work of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation” for students in the 19th Defense Course in the presence of a commander, president and directing of the college.

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The Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan lectures at the National Defense College

The grand mufti of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Khasawneh in Sunday gave a lecture in rjndc entitled “averageness and Islam “ to the scholars in defense course19. in the presence of a commander, president and directing of the college.

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Mufti of the Armed Forces at the college of National Defense

Mufti of the Armed Forces Brigadier General dr.majd Al-drawsheh on Monday gave a lecture at royal Jordanian college defense for the scholars in 19th courses entitled (Islamic Perspective on International Relations between Nations) in the presence of a commander, president and directing staff of the college.

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Technical Directore of the Supreme Population Council lectures at the Royal National Defense College

The director of technical in supreme population Council gave a lecture professor galeb al-azeh entitled (Jordan's population policy and its relationship to national security) For the scholars in 19th defense course, in presence college commandant Brigadier General dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh and college chairman and directing staff .

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Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Science and Technology lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Science and Technology DR.deyaa al-deen arfa gave a lecture entitled “Science and Technology as one of the elements of the national force and its role in security, defense and national development" for scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, president and directing staff of college.

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Seminar entitled "The Intellectual Perspective of the Jordanian State Administration" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

A seminar entitled "The Intellectual Perspective of the Jordanian State Administration" was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Wednesday, in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the Head of the Faculty's Steering Board.

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A head of Parliament lectures at Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The head of parliament Lawyer Abd Al-menyem Al-odat in Tuesday gave a lecture, in royal Jordanian national defense college in titled “Parliamentary system and national policy design” to the scholars in 19th courses, in the presence of a commander, president and directing staff of the college.

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Chairman of the Senate lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Chairman of the Senate Faisal al-Fayez, on Sunday at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, gave a lecture entitled "The Administration of the Jordanian State between Theory and Practice", for scholars in the 19th defense course, in the presence of a commander, president and directing of the college.

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The Interior Minister Mazen Al-Farayah lectures at the Faculty of National Defense

The Interior Minister Mazen Al-Farayah said "The concept of security in general is based on the preservation of the state entity and the achievement of political, social and economic stability, a dynamic concept that develops with the development of circumstances according to many considerations and is closely linked to internal and external situations and variables."

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Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The minister of Education and minister of higher education and scientific research Dr.Mohammed khair Ahmad Abu kodais in gave a lecture in royal Jordanian national defence entitled "Educational Policy in Jordan and the Role of the Ministry of Education to scholars in the 19th National Defense Course, in the presence of a commander, president and directing staff in college .

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THE CEO of Al-Potash Arab Company lectures at the Faculty of National Defense

Dr. Maan Al-Nesour, CEO of Al-Potash Arabia, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, gave a lecture on the role of economic management in national security for scholars at the 19th National Defense Course and the Master's Program "Strategies in Countering Extremism and Terrorism", in the presence of The College's Commander, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and members of the directing staff in the college.

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On Thursday, the 19th National Defense Course and the Master of Strategies program in the face of extremism and terrorism No. 5 at the Royal Jordanian

Major General Al-Haniti pointed out the importance of the national defense course and the program of strategies in the face of extremism and terrorism in the rehabilitation of military and civilian intellectual elites with strategic visions capable of bringing about positive change in various leadership positions, and conveyed to the participants the greetings and blessings of His Majesty King Abdullah, wishing them success during their accession to this distinguished military scientific edifice. The opening of the session included a lecture by the Chief of Defence Staff of the British Army, in which he said: We need to take advantage of defence security to build a regional system to deal with various crises, and we have new concepts in the use of defense diplomacy through the good use of our security, military forces and relations with our allies and partners.

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His Majesty The King attends Royal Jordanian National Defence College graduation

His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF), on Monday at the Royal Jordanian National Defence College, attended the graduation of the 18th National Defence course, master's in “Management and Strategic Studies”, and the 4th class of the master’s programme in “Strategies to Confront Extremism and Terrorism.”

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Distribution of diploma certificates to students in the 18th Defence Course at the Royal Jordanian National Defence College

The Royal Jordanian College of national defense celebrated on Wednesday the distribution of Postgraduate Diploma Certificates to the students in the 18th National Defense course, in the presence of the dean of the College, Dr. Awad al-Tarawneh, and in the presence of the president and members of the college's guidance board.

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Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff, participates in the activities of the national security exercise Promising leadership at the National Defense C

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff, major general Yousef Ahmed Al-hounaty visited on Wednesday the RJNDC , received by the Assistant for Operations and Training and the College Commander and a number of directors of the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces.

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A lecture entitled "The Political, Social and Economic Role of Women in Jordanian Society" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Sunday , Dr. Nawal Al-Faoury at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, gave a lecture entitled "The political, social and economic role of women in the Jordanian society

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On Thursday, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Nayef Al-Fayez, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, gave a lecture entitled "The Nation

Al-Fayez said: "The government measures to confront the impact of the Corona pandemic came by exempting the tourism sector from licensing fees for the years 2020-2021 and members of the General Authority for Tourism Activation from fees and contributions for the year 2020, and those dealing with the ministry from the administration, operation and rent allowance for sites and facilities for the year 2020 -2021, and returning the financial guarantees to the offices of travel and tourism companies and exempting the owners and practitioners of the tourism professions / Aqaba from licensing fees, financial allowances, and the wages incurred by those establishments.

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College organizes a seminar on "Defense Law in Emergency Situations and its Role in Crisis Management"

Today,A seminar entitled “Defense Law in Emergency Situations and its Role in Crisis Management” was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for scholars in the Defense Course 18, in the presence of collage commandent and head and members of the directing staff .

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration Tawfiq Krishan gave a lecture to scholars of the 18th defense course entitled "Local Administration and the Role of Municipalities in Jordan's National Security", in the presence of the college’s commander and the head and members of the directing staff.

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A lecture entitled "The Role of Strategic Planning in Crisis Management" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Sunday, Prof. Majed al musaada, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Zarqa University, gave a lecture entitled “The Role of Strategic Planning in Crisis Management” for scholars in the National Defense Course 18, in the presence of the college commander, Chairman and Members of the directing staff. Musaada said that strategic planning is a set of decisions and activities related to formulating and implementing the strategy necessary to achieve the goals of the organization, and it is a systematic process to determine how the organization will move from the current situation to its desired future.

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Prof. Dr. Diaa El Din Arafa, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology, gave a lecture entitled "Localization of Technology

He said that the technology transfer process is defined as the exchange of skills, knowledge, technologies, manufacturing methods, manufacturing samples and facilities between industries, universities, governments and other institutions to ensure that scientific and technological developments become accessible to the largest group of users who can promote the development and investment of technology in new products, processes, applications, materials or services ".

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The Director of the Directorate of Cybersecurity and Information Technology, Brigadier General Nart Helmy, gave a lecture to the scholars of the Natio

The Director of the Directorate of Cybersecurity and Information Technology, Brigadier General Nart Helmy, gave a lecture to the scholars of the National Defense Course 18, entitled 'Electronic government and the protection of computer networks', in the presence of college commandant, Dr. Awad Tarawneh, and the head and members of the directing staff in the college. In which he said that the concept of e-government has evolved from providing services to adopting a modern administrative method through which governments seek to rely on digital information and advanced technological capabilities in developing and improving work performance in government sectors through the Internet and communication networks at the lowest costs and the fastest ways with accuracy in doing business And to ensure the confidentiality and security of information

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Today, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Adinat, Minister of Public Sector Development and Former Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, gave a lecture entitled “Bas

Dr. Al-Adinat explained during his lecture the most important basic concepts of public finance, especially those related to the concepts of state public expenditures and their various classifications, in addition to the concept of public revenues and its divisions.

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The head of the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Today, The head of the Jordanian Atomic Energy Authority, Dr. Khaled Touqan, give a lecture entitled "Arms Control and Preventing the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons for the scholars of the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college commandant, head and members of the directing staff.

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Dr. Abdul Basit Al-Athamneh delivered A lecture entitled "The Economic Environment and Its Relationship to National Security" at the Royal Jordanian

On Sunday, Dr. Abdul Basit Al-Athamneh delivered A lecture entitled "The Economic Environment and Its Relationship to National Security" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for the scholars in the Defense Course 18, in the presence of the Commander, Chairman and Members of the directing staff.

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Lecture entitled "The Economic System in Islam and a Course in Solving Economic Problems" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Dr. Ahmed Al-Oran delivered a lecture on Thursday at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "The Economic System in Islam and a Course in Solving Economic Problems" for learners in the 18th Defense Course, in the presence of the commander, chairman and directing staff of the college.

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Grand Mufti of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Grand Mufti of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Khasawneh, gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Wednesday, entitled "The Impact of the Fatwa in The Fight against Extremist Ideology" for scholars in the 18th Defense Course.

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The President of national commission for the implementation of international humanitarian law lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The President of Jordanian National Commission the implementation of international humanitarian law (NISC) Retired, Lt. Gen. Maamoun Al-Khasawneh, gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Wednesday entitled "International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights" for scholars at the 18th Defense Course.

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The President of Mu'tah University lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The President of Mu'tah University, Prof. Arafat Awajan, gave a lecture at the Jordanian National Defense College, Monday, under the title of Official Universities in Strengthening Jordanian National Security, for those studying in the Defense Course 18, , in the presence of the Commander, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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the chairman of the investment authority ,fereidoun Hartouga ,delivered alectuer on investment promotion policies for scholars of RJNDC

ON Thursday ,the chairman of the investment authority ,fereidoun Hartouga ,delivered alectuer on investment promotion policies for scholars of RJNDC in the presence of commandant and directing staff.

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The President of the Civil Service Bureau lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Thursday, the President of the Civil Service Bureau, Sameh Al-Nasser, gave a lecture entitled "The Strategy of the Civil Service Bureau in Reducing Unemployment and Recruiting Competencies in State Institutions", for scholars in the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the Commander and Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Director of the Department of Statistics lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday, The Director of the Department of Statistics, Dr. Shaher Al-Shawabkeh , gave a lecture entitled "The Strategy of the Department of Statistics and its Impact on Jordan's National Security", for scholars of the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college commandant, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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The Egyptian Ambassador lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Egyptian Ambassador Sherif Kamel gave a lecture entitled "Current regional challenges and ways to deal with them", for the scholars of the 18th National Defense Course, presented the Commander, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Minister of Justice: Electronic link with 134 security centers and 85 Public Prosecution Department

"The electronic connectivity project with the Public Security Directorate aims to improve case management and increase effectiveness in the criminal justice system using electronic information systems," said Justice Minister Dr. Bassam Talhouni.

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Director General of the Department of the National Library lectures at the National Defense College

The Director General of the National Library Department, Dr. Nidal Al-Ayasrah, gave a lecture entitled "The National Library and its Role in Preserving the National Intellectual Product", for the s The scholars in the 18th National Defense Course, presented the Commander, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Director General of the Standards and Metrology Institute lectures at the National Defense College

The director of the Standards and Metrology Institute, Engineer Abir Barakat Al Zuhair, on Monday gave a lecture entitled "The Strategy of the Department of Standards and Metrology and its impact on Jordanian national security", to the scholars in the 18th National Defense Course, presented the Commander, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Seminar entitled "The Jordanian economy during the Corona pandemic”

A seminar entitled "The Jordanian economy during the Corona pandemic " was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Thursday in the presence of commandant and directing staff chief and directing staff of college.

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Memorandum of Understanding to enhance joint cooperation between the National Center for Security and Crisis Management and the Royal Jordanian Nation

ON Wednesday, a joint memorandum of understanding was signed between the National Center for Security and Crisis Management and the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, to enhance mutual cooperation between the two sides, with the aim of coordination and cooperation, uniting efforts and working in a team spirit among all national institutions in order to protect the Jordanian national security system.

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The CEO of the Arab Potash Company lectures at the National Defense College

The CEO of the Arab Potash Company, Dr. Maan Al-Nisour, stressed the importance of the private sector and its role in maintaining national security, achieving economic and social development through its effective contribution to revitalizing economic life, raising rates of growth and reducing poverty, given the importance and development of the status and performance of the private sector is an important issue The most important factor on which economic policies must be based in order to reflect positively on economic activity and national security.

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Maj. Gen. AlHawatmeh: Our strategy was built in harmony with the general policy of the state, we fulfilled the royal aspirations in the merger process

Public security director Maj. Gen. Hussein AlHawatmeh said that our security strategy including plans and programs were built in harmony with the general policy of the state to protect the supreme national interest, Adding that the strategy came within the group work and joint cooperation with the Headquarter of Jordan Armed Forces– Arab Army (JAF) and the General Intelligence Department.

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The former Minister of Finance lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday, The former Minister of Finance, Dr. Muhammad Abu Hammour, delivered a lecture entitled "Globalization and National Security" for the scholars in the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college commandant, Chairman and members of the directing staff at the college.

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Director of the Consular Affairs Department and the Operations Center Unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs lectures at the R

Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Al-Foul, Director of the Consular Affairs Department and the Operations Center Unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, deliver a lecture today at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled (Jordanian diplomacy between theory and practice), in the presence of the college commandant, chairperson and members of the directing staff in the college and the scholars in the 18th National Defense Course.

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A lecture entitled "Contemporary Technologies and Defense Industries in Jordan" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Retired Colonel Engineer Samer Al-Majali gave a lecture today, onSunday, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "Contemporary Technologies and Defense Industries in Jordan" for scholars of the 18th Defense Course, in the presence of the college commandant, Chairman and members of the directing staff at the college.

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The Executive Director of Media and Communications at Zain Company lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Today, on Thursday The Executive Director of Media and Communication at Zain company Tariq Al-Bitar delivered a lecture entitled "The Private Sector and the Revolution of Contemporary Technologies" for students in the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college commandant, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Engineer Samir Habashanah lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Engineer Samir Habashanah, on Thursday, gives a lecture entitled "The experience of decentralization in local administration between goals and ambition" for students in the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the commandant, president and directing staff of the college.

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The head of the Bar lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The head of the Bar Association Mazen Irsheidat, gave a lecture today at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled (Civil Society Institutions and their Role in Protecting Jordan's National Security)

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The Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs lectures at the Royal National Defense College

The Minister, Eng. Musa Al-Maaytah, emphasized that political development is a process aimed at developing the ability of the political system to adapt to all internal and external variables, and a future vision of the form of the political system and the relationship between the state and the components of society. This came during a lecture he gave at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for students of the Defense Course 17 today, Monday, entitled "Political Development and its Impact on Jordan's National Security."

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Dr. Khaled Al-Shenikat lecture at royal Jordanian national defense college

Dr. Khaled Al-Shenikat gave a lecture at royal Jordanian national defense college (Foreign Policy Sources and Future Prospects) for the scholars of the 18th National Defense Course, in the presence of the the Commander, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Seminar entitled "The Intellectual Perspective of Jordanian State Administration"

Wednesday, at the Royal Jordanian national defense college was held seminar entitled the intellectual perspective of the Jordanian state administration, for scholars of the 18 defense course, in the presence of college commandant and the head of the members of the directing staff in the college.

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The Minister of Labor lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Tuesday, Minister of Labor, Dr. Maan Al-Qatamen, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, gave a lecture entitled "The Labor Market and Manpower in Jordan" for scholars in the Defense Course 18, in the presence of the college commandant, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Head of the Red Cross in Jordan give lecture at the National Defense College

The head of the Red Cross in Jordan, Sandra Tameni, give a lecture entitled "Violent Crimes in Conflict Zones" to scholars at the 18th Defense Course in the presence of the commandant directing staff chief and directing staff in college.

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Dr. Haidar Freihat lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Dr. Haidar Freihat delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "E-Government and The Protection of Computer Networks", in the presence of the commandant , the head and directing staff of the college and scholars in the National Defense Course18.

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Dr. Hana Muhammad Al-Huniti lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Professor Hana Muhammad Al- Hunaiti from the University of Islamic Sciences delivered a lecture to scholars in the course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Islamic money banks and their role in development", in the presence of the college’s commander, Ali Muhammad Al-Muqabla, and the head and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Dr. Ihab Sawalha lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Dr. Ihab Sawalha delivered a lecture today at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled (Global Standards in Business Continuity), in the presence of the college Commander, Chair and Members of the directing staff and the scholars in the National Defense Course 18

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A lecture entitled The Jordanian National Character at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

A lecture entitled "The Jordanian National Personality" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, the former chief of the Royal Court, the head of the Arabic Language Academy, Professor Khaled Al-Karaki said during his lecture today for scholar of the 18th National Defense Course entitled "The Jordanian National Personality

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The former Minister of Agriculture, Eng. Ibrahim Al Shehahdeh

The former Minister of Agriculture, Eng. Ibrahim Al Shehahdeh, gave a lecture today to scholars of the 18th defense course entitled "Agricultural Policies in Jordan and Food Security Strategy" in the presence of acollege commandant, head and members of thediercting staff in the college he said that food security is based on two dimensions, namely the provision of food in sufficient quantities from within the homeland and the provision of the commodity in health and safety

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Seminar entitled "Jerusalem in the Arab-Israeli Conflict" at the College of National Defense.

A seminar entitled "Jerusalem in the Arab-Israeli Conflict" at the Faculty of National Defense held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Wednesday, a seminar entitled "Jerusalem in the Arab-Israeli Conflict" for scholars in the 18th defense course, in the presence of the faculty commander and the head and members of the guidance staff of the college.

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Brigadier General Walid Qasheha: The Directorate of Public Security is continuing to strengthen the rule of law in accordance with the royal directive

Brigadier General Walid Qasheha: The Directorate of Public Security is continuing to strengthen the rule of law in accordance with the royal directives, said Brigadier General Walid Qasheha, commandant of the gendarmerie, Brigadier General Walid Qasheha, that the Directorate of Public Security is continuing to achieve its strategic objectives in accordance with the royal directives, to strengthen the rule of law and protect national capabilities

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Minister of Islamic Endowments, Affairs and Holy Places lectures at The Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Minister of Islamic Endowments, Affairs and Holy Places, Dr. Mohammed Al-Khalila, on Wednesday present a lecture to the scholars in the 18th defense course entitled "Islam and Moderation", in the presence of the college's commandant, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Tarawneh. and the head and members of the directing staff of the college.

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The Ambassador of the European Union in Amman lectures at the Jordanian Jordanian National Defense College

The Ambassador of the European Union in Amman lectures at the Jordanian Jordanian National Defense College, Her Excellency the Ambassador of the European Union in Amman, Mrs. Maria Hadjethiodusio, a lecture at the Jordanian National Defense College entitled (The European Union, European Policy and the New Vision of the Thirty-first Century

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Royal Police Academy Commandant Lectures at Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Order of the Royal Police Academy said that the most important reasons for the stability we have been living from independence to the present day, is the adoption of a strategy for national security, which expressed the protection of the values and interests of the nation and the protection of its security and the security of the citizen. This came during a lecture he gave at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College under the title "Designing security policies and supporting them" in the presence of the dean of the college, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Tarawneh and the head and members of the directing staff of the college.

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Dr. Ahmad Al-Malabah lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Dr. Ahmad Al-Malabah today gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled (Climate Change and Environmental Disasters), in the presence of the college commandant , Chairman and members of the diercting staff in the college and the scholars in the National Defense Course 18.

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Director of the Directorate of Cyber Security and Information Technology lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Director of the Cyber Security and Information Technology Directorate, brigadier general Eng. Bakr Al-Abadi, gave a lecture to the scholars in the 18th National Defense Course, titled 'Cyber Security', in the presence of the College commandant brigadier general, Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, and the Head and members of the directing staff at the College.

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The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Tuesday, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eng. Hala Zawati gave a lecture to scholars of the 18th National Defense Course entitled “The National Energy Strategy and Strategic Alternatives to Oil in Jordan,” in the presence of the College commandant, Dr. Awad Tarawneh, and the Chairman and members of directing staff

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The Head of industrial engineering department lectures at Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, the head of the department of industrial engineering and the coordinator of the Master of Crisis and Disaster Management program Dr. Engineer Hisham Moumni lecture entitled "Risk Management in projects

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The Mufti of the Armed Forces lectures at the National Defense College

On Monday, the Mufti of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Dr. Majid Salem Al- Darawsheh , delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for scholars of the National Defense 18 course entitled (Islamic Perspective on International Relations between Islamic Nations and International Humanitarian Law), in the presence of the college’s commander, head and members of the college’s directing staff .

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs lectures at the National Defense College

On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs Ayman Safadi delivered a lecture to scholars of the 18th National Defense Course entitled "The Strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Support Jordan's Positions at the International Level", in the presence of the college's commander and the head and members of directing staff .

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The Minister of Education lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Today,Monday Dr. Tayseer Al-Nuaimi, a lecture entitled “Educational Policy in Jordan and the Role of the Ministry of Education in Jordanian National Security”, for students in the Defense 18 course In the presence of the commander, president and members of the directing staff in the college.

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The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation lectures at the National Defense College

Today ,on Sunday The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Dr. Wissam Rabadi, delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled “The Roles and Duties of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and its Role in Strategic Development Planning” for scholars in the 18th Defense Course, in the presence of the college Commander, Chairman and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Head of the Geography Department at Mu'ta University Lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The head of the geography department at Mu'ta University, Dr. Hind Sarayrah, gave a lecture today, Wednesday, to scholars of the 18th defense course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

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The President of the Hashemite University lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The President of the Hashemite University, Prof. Dr. Fawaz Al-Zboon, said that the nature of the relationship between the Hashemite leadership and society was built on the foundations of continuous communication with community members, which brought the leadership closer to community members and contributed to facing many internal and external challenges, which were represented by the limited natural resources in addition to dealing with external political variables.

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Minister of the Interior: National unity is a basic pillar upon which the Jordanian society is built

The Minister of Interior, Salama Hammad, said that national unity is a fundamental pillar upon which the structure of the Jordanian society is based, and that a coherent internal front is the most capable of preserving our supreme national interests, which depend in the first place on achieving equality and equal opportunities for all.

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The Speaker of Parliament lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Speaker of Parliament, Eng. Atef Tarawneh, said that we in the Kingdom are on the threshold of a constitutional entitlement by starting the procedures for the nineteenth parliament elections, and we in the House of Representatives believe in our duty and the duty of all future councils, to stand by the state in the war on terror and behind our leadership, our army and our security services that seek to rise Like this fever and defend the revolution purity. This came during a lecture he held today entitled "Parliamentary System and Design of National Policies" for students of the 18th Defense Course and the MA in Strategies for Facing Extremism and Terrorism 4 program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College.

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The Commander of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh was greeted the Emirati Military Attaché in Amm

The Commander of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, Brigadier General Dr. Awad Al-Tarawneh, the was receive Emirati Military Attaché in Amman Colonel Pilot Mubarak Saad Al-Mansouri.

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Opening of the National Defense Course and the Master's Program in Countering Extremism and Terrorism

Opening of the National Defense Course and the Master's Program in Countering Extremism and Terrorism Today on Tuesday our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Major General Yusef Ahmed Al- Hunaiti , sponsored the opening ceremony of the National Defense 18/2021 course and the Master of Strategies program in countering extremism and terrorism 4/2021 at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, with the participation of a number of officers of the armed forces and security services and a number of employees Various ministries and state institutions, and a number of officers of brotherly and friendly countries.

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His Majesty, the King, graduates the scholars of the National Defense course and scholars of the MA in Strategies to Counter Extremism and Terrorism

His Majesty, the King, graduates the scholars of the National Defense course and scholars of the MA in Strategies to Counter Extremism and Terrorism His Majesty, the King, graduates the scholars of the National Defense course and scholars of the MA in Strategies to Counter Extremism and Terrorism

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Celebration of distributing diploma certificates to students at the National Defense College

Celebration of distributing diploma certificates to students at the National Defense College Celebration of distributing diploma certificates to students at the National Defense College Today, Thursday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College celebrated the distribution of postgraduate diploma certificates and National Defense College signals

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Graduation of a course on the prevention of intellectual extremism for women at the National Defense College

Today, Thursday, the Jordanian Royal National Defense College concluded a course on preventing intellectual extremism for the woman, which is held under the umbrella of the Military Center for Combating Terrorism and Extremism, in coordination with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), with the participation of female officers, female soldiers and civil servants from the National Defense College.

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College discusses its master’s scholar remotely

At the Royal Jordanian National Defense College today, a discussion of master’s theses for scholar s from the United Arab Emirates and those participating in the defense turn / 17 through the electronic education system and in coordination with the Directorate of Cyber Security and Information Technology in the presence of the college commandant and the thesis supervisors

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Retired Major General Dr. Talal Muhammad Bani Melhem lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Today, Retired Major General Dr. Talal Muhammad Bani Melhem gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Crisis and Disaster Management in Jordan: Jordan as a Model" in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General P.S.C Ali Muhammad, the commander and directing staff cheif in the College and the scholars in the defense courses National and MA Program on Countering Extremism and Terrorism.

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Retired Major General Dr. Marawan Badr Al-Sumayat gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Tuesday , Retired Major General Dr. Marawan Badr Al-Sumayat gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Business Continuity and Its Role in Reducing Disasters and Crises", in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Muhammad Al-mqabla and the President and members of the dierecting staff in the College and the scholars in the two national defense coursesand MA program in countering extremism and terrorism.

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The Minister of Education lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Today,Monday Dr. Tayseer Al-Nuaimi, a lecture entitled “Educational Policy in Jordan and the Role of the Ministry of Education in Jordanian National Security”, for students in the Defense 18 course In the presence of the commander, president and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Assistant Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Dr. Ali Khalaf Al-Ajarmah, gave a lecture today, Thursday, to students of the 17th defense course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, in the presence of the college’s commander, Dean Ali the interview, and the head and members of the college’s steering committee, a lecture entitled “The National Tourism Strategy.

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Chairman of the Hindawi Group / Dubai lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hindawi Dubai Group His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Thuqan Al-Hindawi gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College today, entitled “Future Studies and their Impact on Strategic Planning,” in the presence of the College Commander Ali Muhammad Al-maqabla , the Head and members of the directing staff in the College, and the scholar at National Defense Course .

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His Highness Major General Pilot (retired) Muhammad Khair Al-Shayab lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Wednesday His Excellency Major General Pilot (retired) Muhammad Khair Al-Shayab gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "International Challenges for the Transfer of Defense Technology (International Treaties)" in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Ali Muhammad Al-maqabla, and the Head and members of the directing staff in the College and the scholars In the National Defense Course.

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The former Minister of Finance lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

on Wednesday ,The former Minister of Finance, Dr. Muhammad Abu Hammour received a lecture entitled Fiscal Policy in Jordan, at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for scholars in its 17th session, in the presence of the college’s commander, head and members of the directing staff.

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A symposium at the National Defense College entitled the role of the Hashemite in defending and protecting holy sites in Jerusalem

On Tuesday ,A symposium was held at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College .a symposium entitled "The Role of the Hashemites in Defending and Protecting Islamic and Christian Sanctities in Jerusalem", in which the former Minister of Information Samih Al-Maaytah, Dr. Abdullah Kanaan, Chairman of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs, and Director of the Negotiations Coordination Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Affairs The expatriates, Fouad Majali, in the presence of the college commander, the head and members of the directing staff, and the scholars in the 17 defense courses.

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The Director of Military Intelligence lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Sunday, The Director of Military Intelligence, Brigadier General Azzam Al-Rawahneh, gave a lecture to the scholars of the defense course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, a lecture entitled "Strategic Intelligence in War."

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A delegation headed by the Chief of Defense Staff of the Rwandan Forces visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College and the Royal Jordanian Co

A military delegation of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College and the Royal Jordanian College of Command and Staff, headed by the Chief of Defense Staff of the Rwandan Forces, visited Lieutenant General JEAN BOSCO KAZURA and his accompanying delegation today, Sunday, and was received by the Commander of the Royal Jordanian National Defense College and the head and members of the steering committee in the college.

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The Royal Jordanian National Defense College holds a symposium on contemporary technologies and national security

Today on Tuesday, the Royal Jordanian National Defense College held a symposium entitled "Contemporary Technologies and National Security participated by His Excellency Prof. Ibrahim Badran, Advisor to the President of Philadelphia University, Prof. Dr. Saeb Khreisat, President of the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Arafat Aujan, Vice President of Princess University Sumaya for Technology, in the presence of the College Commander, Brigadier General Ali Muhammad Al-Mqabla, the Chairman and members of the Orientation Committee, and the scholars of the National Defense Courses 17/2020 and the MA Program of Facing Extremism and Terrorism 3/2020

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The Mufti of the Armed Forces lectures at the National Defense College

On Monday, the Mufti of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Dr. Majid Salem Al- Darawsheh , delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for scholars of the National Defense 18 course entitled (Islamic Perspective on International Relations between Islamic Nations and International Humanitarian Law), in the presence of the college’s commander, head and members of the college’s directing staff .

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The president of the National Society for Consumer Protection lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday ,The President of the Consumer Protection Association, Dr. Muhammad Obeidat, gave a lecture at the Royal National Defense College for the scholars of the 17th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college commander at the meeting, and the President and members of the directing staff at the college, a lecture entitled (Consumer protection and its role in ensuring a minimum level of food and social security) .

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General Director of the Amman Chamber of Industry lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Dr. Nael Al-Husami, Director General of the Amman Chamber of Industry, gave a lecture today, Sunday, "International Institutions and their Role in the Global Economy" for students of the 17th Defense Courses and the MA in Facing Extremism and Terrorism 3, in the presence of the College Commander and the Head and Members of the Guidance Committee.

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Professor Lisa Bronson from the US National War College lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The professor visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College to give lectures and hold seminars in the field of negotiation at all levels and the best way to achieve the strategic goals of the country through negotiation processes for learners in the defense turn 17, in the presence of the college’s command, the college command Ali al maqabla, and the head and members of the directing staff in the college.

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Al-Oran lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

On Monday ,Professor of Islamic Economics / Department of Economics at the University of Jordan Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al-Oran gave a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, a lecture for scholars in the 17th defense course at the college entitled “The Economic System in Islam and its Role in Solving Economic Problems” in the presence of the college commander, Brigadier General Ali Muhammad al maqabla and the president and members of the directing staff.

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Seminar entitled "Intellectual Perspective of the Sate Administration of Jordan" at RJNDC

Seminar entitled "Intellectual Perspective of the Sate Administration of Jordan" at RJNDC On Tuesday, A seminar was held at RJNDC entitled "Intellectual Perspective of the State Administration of Jordan”.

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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs Ayman Safadi on Tuesday gave a lecture to the scholars in his 17th national defense role entitled "Jordan and international relations - Jordanian foreign policy and evaluation of the performance of the diplomatic apparatus " in the presence of the order of the college Brigadier General Ali Al-Dafa and the chairman and members of the Guidance in it.

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Lt. Col. Paul Beem of the U.S. Army lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Lt. Col. Paul Beem of the U.S. Army lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College Lt. Col. Paul Beem delivered a lecture at the Royal National Defense College today entitled "Defense Policies Of The Sabrani War" in the presence of Anam

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Head of The General Administration department at the University of Jordan lectures at the Royal College of National Defense of Jordan

Head of The General Administration department at the University of Jordan lectures at the Royal College of National Defense of Jordan Dr. Abdul Hakim Akhou Arshideh gave a lecture at the Royal National Defense College today entitled "Strategic Management and Management Development" in the presence of Amr

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Lecturer from the General Intelligence Department lectures at RJNDC

Lecturer from the General Intelligence Department lectures at RJNDC Brigadier Sami Al-Madan, Director of Anti-Terrorism Department / General Intelligence delivered a lecture for National Defense course/17 at RJNDC,

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The General Secretary of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation lectures at RJNDC

The General Secretary of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation lectures at RJNDC During his lecture Tuesday at RJNDC entitled "Water Policy in Jordan" for scholars in Defense course 16 and War course 25 that the ministry looks to water as a key element for social, economic and political development and national security by maintaining Provide adequate water supply to citizens and other uses and enhance the coverage of sanitation services.

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The Acting USA Ambassador in Amman Lectures RJNDC

The Acting USA Ambassador in Amman Lectures RJNDC Acting US Ambassador to Jordan Henry Wooster delivered a lecture to the scholars of Defense course 15 War course RJNDC on Monday titled "Foreign Policy and Middle East in USA Policy" in the presence of the of Commandant Brig, Nasser Muheerat and directing staff.

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British Royal Air Force Commander lectures at RJNDC

British Royal Air Force Commander lectures at RJNDC The Royal Air Force Commander Sir StephenHilir on Sunday gave a lecture to scholars at RJNDC Defense course 15 and War course 24 titled "Future Outlook for the British Air Force" in the presence of Brigadier Nasser Mohammad Al Muhairat and directing staff.

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Lecture entitled( Foreign aids in the national economy) At the National Defense College

Lecture entitled( Foreign aids in the national economy) At the National Defense College Director of Policy and Strategy Directorate at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Bassem Kanaan on Wednesday delivered a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled Foreign Aid in the National Economy in presence of Brig. Nasser Al-Mheerat, directing staff and the scholars in the defense courses 15 and War course 24.

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National Defense College held strategic dialogue program in Al-Karak Governorate to promote Jordanian national security concepts

National Defense College held strategic dialogue program in Al-Karak Governorate to promote Jordanian national security concepts The Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Wednesday held a strategic dialogue program at Karak Governorate to promote the concepts of Jordanian national security and include all segments of the community from Kerak Governorate. In order to achieve the lofty royal visions and to implement the directives of the General Command of the armed forces of Jordan, the Arab Army has held dialogues a strategy at the governorate level in Jordan to promote understanding of the implications of national security across all sectors of society and from all governorates of the kingdom in order to strengthen their capacities To deal with the developments of the local and regional strategic environment.

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Ambassador of the European Union in Amman lecture at RJNDC

Ambassador of the European Union in Amman lecture at RJNDC The Ambassador of the European Union in Amman, Mr. Andrea Fontana

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Director General of Jordanian Customs lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Director General of Jordanian Customs lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College Major-General Dr.Waddah Al-Hmoud said that the role of Customs is no longer limited to collecting customs duties, and its role extends to all aspects of economic and social life in addition to achieving economic, social and national security in the country.

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The Greater Amman Municipality Mayor lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Greater Amman Municipality Mayor lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College Yousef al –shawarbeh emphausized that Greater Amman Municipality is an institution has an administrative and financial Independence managed by a specialized council headed by the Mayor of Amman, who is responsible for making future plans for the city, whether for citizens or investors.

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Minister of Labor lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Minister of Labor lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College Minister of Labor Ali Zahir al-Ghazzawi emphasized on the importance of the executive measures package implemented by Jordanian government to contribute reducing unemployment and poverty, which are a high priority in the executive plan of the government as an effective package to stimulate the labor market and employ Jordanians

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Karaki lectures at RJNDC

Karaki lectures at RJNDC On Monday, Dr. Khaled Al-Karaki delivered a lecture at RJNDC titled " Jordanian National Personality" in which he spoke about the most important characteristics of the national personality

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Minister of Environment lectures at RJNDC

Minister of Environment Dr. Yassin Al-Khayat said that Jordan is considered one of the countries that enjoys a rich biodiversity due to its distinguished position between continents. This came during a lecture at RJNDC on Monday entitled "Jordanian Environment Strategy and the Economic Dimensions of the Environment" for the scholars in the Defense course 15 and War course 24 sessions in the presence of commandant of RJNDC Brig. Nasser Al-Muheerat and Directing.

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Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh lectures at RJNDC

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh lectures at RJNDC

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General Director of Special Communication Commission lectures at RJDNC

General Director of Special Communication Commission lectures at RJDNC General Director of Special Communication Commission Brigadier Eng. Ali Sharari Al-Asaf said that Special Communication Commission according with its law has a legal personality with financial and With financial and administrative independence and may sue and be prosecuted. The financial department of the Jordanian Armed Forces is responsible for all financial matters related to the Commission. This came during a lecture on Monday at RJDNC for scholar of Defense Course 24 and War Course 15 entitled "Special Communication Commission and its role in serving the telecommunications sector in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in military and civilian sectors.”

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The prime minister lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The prime minister lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College The Prime Minister Dr. Hani Mulki said that the kingdom, led by His Majesty King Abdullah II was clear and evident condemned the decision by the President of the United States of America to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, constituting a breach of international law

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His Highness Prince Rashid bin al Hassan, commandant of the special police delivered at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

His Highness Prince Rashid bin al Hassan, commandant of the special police delivered at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College His Highness Prince Rashid bin al-Hasan, commandant of the special police at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, met with a delegation of students at the NATO Defense College to head an order college team Chris White Cross and in the presence of the National Defense in presence of Brig. Nasser Al-Mheerat and Directing staff in college where His Highness pointed During his lecture on the role and importance of Jordan at the regional and global levels in the fight against terrorism, extremism and organized crime.

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Minister of Social Development lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Minister of Social Development lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College The Minister for Social Development, Ms. Hala Besoso, said today in a lecture at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Social development policy and assess government effectiveness in combating poverty and unemployment" that the ministry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning and International cooperation, is leading a problem team From the Government, civil society organizations and the private sector to update a national social protection and anti-poverty strategy for the years 2018-2025, with a view to to establish a general and holistic framework for the protection of Jordanian citizens in all matters related to the concept of social protection and at the level of the individual and the family.

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Minister of Energy and Mineral resources lectures at the RJNDC

Minister of Energy and Mineral resources lectures at the RJNDC The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dr. Saleh Kharabsheh

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Hussein Hazza majali lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College parliament Assigned in

Hussein Hazza majali lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College parliament Assigned in Al Majali said that the security challenges faced by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan can be divided into internal and external challenges. It was previously easy to separate these challenges, which has become difficult in a time of globalization as these challenges become intertwined. This came during a lecture today at the Royal National Defense College entitled "The Regional Situation and its Implications for the Jordanian National Security" for the scholars in the defense courses 15 and the war 24.

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Former Minister of Labor lectures at Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Former Minister of Labor lectures at Royal Jordanian National Defense College On Thursday, former Minister of Labor, Dr. Atef Odeibat said during his lecture for scholars in the Defense course 15and War course24 at Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "Poverty and Unemployment in the Kingdom and its Impact on National Security in Jordan". He also said that the globally economic and social concept of the is measured by the extent which the individual in society can gratification his basic needs to live in dignity.

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The Minister of Education lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The Minister of Education lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College Minister of Education Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz stressed that the school environment faces many challenges, the most prominent of which is the Syrian asylum, which led to a great overcrowding in the number of students in schools, which led to the transfer of most schools to the system of two periods to accommodate the increasing numbers of students, as well as the reverse migration from private schools to public schools during the last year, especially in the boroughs and cities because of the decline in economic conditions in addition to the decline in investment in the construction of public schools since the nineties.

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"decentralization in Jordan between reality and ambition and strategic aspirations" at RJNDC

"decentralization in Jordan between reality and ambition and strategic aspirations" at RJNDC A seminar entitled "decentralization in Jordan between reality and ambition and strategic aspirations " was held at RJNDC to the scholars of Defense course 15 and War course 24 on Wednesday.

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The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Lectures at RJNDC

The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Lectures at RJNDC On Tuesday, Minister of planning and international cooperation Eng Emad Fakhouri said that strategic planning is an organized process to select the best possible solutions to reach specific objectives in light of the available means and resources during a specific period of time. This came during his lecture entitled "strategic planning of economic development in Jordan and the economic and social transformation program" " at RJNDC to the scholars of Defense course 15 and War course 24.

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Commander of the Artillery Corps gives a lecture at RJNDC

Commander of the Artillery Corps gives a lecture at RJNDC Commander of the Artillery Corps Brigadier Nayf Aqeel Al-Ramadna delivered a lecture to the scholars of Defense course 15 and War course 24 at Royal Jordanian National Defense College

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A delegate from international scientific course – 37 visits RJNDC

A delegate from international scientific course – 37 visits RJNDC A delegate of Imams, wise men and preachers from International Scientific Course\ 37 which held by Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs associated with Jordanian Armed Forces at King Abdullah II Institute for the Rehabilitation of Preachers at King Abdullah II Institute for the Rehabilitation of Preachers visited RJNDC to explain the contents of the Amman Message ( Role of Nation Scientists in Achieving National Security).

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A delegation from the Italian Graduate Studies college visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

A delegation from the Italian Graduate Studies college visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Wednesday , a delegation from the Italian Graduate Studies college visited The Royal Jordanian National Defense College

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"UNHCR in Jordan" at RJNDC

"UNHCR in Jordan" at RJNDC On Thursday, Mr. Stefano Severe gave a lecture about " UNHCR in Jordan" to scholars of Defense course 15 and War course 24 at RJNDC, in presence of Brig. Nasser al-Mheerat and directing staff.

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Lecture entitled "e-Government and Protecting Computer Networks security" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Lecture entitled "e-Government and Protecting Computer Networks security" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College On Thursday, Eng. Ahmed Abu Omara, Director of E-Government at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

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Al-Hawatmeh: Jordan is able to meet the challenges by dint of his Hashemite leadership

Al-Hawatmeh: Jordan is able to meet the challenges by dint of his Hashemite leadership The Director general of the Gendarmerie, Major General Hussein Muhammad al-Hawatmeh, confirmed that Jordan is able to meet the challenges by dint of his Hashemite leadership. and a secure system based on complementarity and harmony between the armed forces and other security services.

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The minister of information affairs lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The minister of information affairs lecturing at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College The Minister of information affairs and state for the government spokesman, Dr. Mohammad al-Moumani : "The media is an important part and an essential lever for the development of Jordanian society and its institutions and the achievement of its goals by development and prosperity.

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The opening ceremony of the Diplomatic and Security Policy Course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

The opening ceremony of the Diplomatic and Security Policy Course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College A training course entitled "Diplomacy and International Security Policy" was opened at the Jordanian National Defense College on Sunday, in cooperation with the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP).

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The Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military College lectures RJNDC

A delegation from the Royal Police Academy visits RJNDC On Thursday, a delegation of participants in the training program for the security course and the senior officers' leadership where held at the Royal Police Academy visited RJNDC With a view to identifying RJNDC, its educational facilities and its role in spreading national security concepts.

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Seminar on Therapeutic Policy in Jordan and Performance Assessment for Jordanian Medical Institutions

Seminar on Therapeutic Policy in Jordan and Performance Assessment for Jordanian Medical Institutions The participants discussed in the seminar "Therapeutic Policy in Jordan and Performance Assessment for Jordanian Medical Institutions" organized by RJDNC today for the students in the defense course 15 and war course 24..

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French Ambassador in Amman lectures at RJNDC

سعادة السفير الفرنسي في عمان يحاضر في كلية الدفاع الوطني الملكية

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The Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military College lectures RJNDC

The Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military College lectures RJNDC Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military Academy Professor Larry Kodson on Wednesday gave a lecture to scholars at RJNDC, Defense course 14 and War course 24, entitled "Assessing the Current and Regional Situation in the Middle East" in the presence of Brigadier General Nasser Mohammad Al Muhairat, the commandant of RJNDC, and directing staff.

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President of the Audit Bureau lectures at RJNDC

President of the Audit Bureau lectures at RJNDC Dr. Abd Kharabsheh said that Jordan is considered one of the most stable countries in the region. It is like other economies in the world, especially the economies of the region which are operating in an unstable international and regional environment

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The Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military College lectures RJNDC

The Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military College lectures RJNDC Head of the Middle East Department at the Royal Military Academy Professor Larry Kodson on Wednesday gave a lecture to scholars at RJNDC, Defense course 14 and War course 24

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Director of military intelligence lectures at the royal Jordanian national defence college

the head of military intelligence gave alectuer on Sunday to the students at the defence courses 15 and the war courses 24 at the royal Jordanian national defence college entitled “Jordanian perspective of foreign strategic threats and elements of instability in the region

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Lecture entitled “Jordanian national security in the religious perspective “at the royal Jordanian National Defense

Lecture entitled “Jordanian national security in the religious perspective “at the royal Jordanian National Defense H.E Prof. Dr. Bassam Al-Amouche delivered a lecture on Wednesday at the 15th Defense course at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

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The Commander of Royal Jordanian National Defense College lectures at the Royal Jordanian Command and Staff College

the commander of National Defense College, said Brigadier General Nasser Al-mherat that international organization is involuntary gathering for a number of international law persons is the establishment of a permanent body Under international agreement and the will of the autonomous region with a distinct legal system and independent bodies which exercise organized activities to achieve the common goal of the purpose for which it was established.

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Opening of the National defense and war courses and the Master Counter-terrorism and Extremism program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Opening of the National defense and war courses and the Master Counter-terrorism and Extremism program at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

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Delegation from the thirty-sixth international scientific session visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

Delegation from the thirty-sixth international scientific session visits the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

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محاضرة بعنوان القوة البحرية الملكية في كلية الدفاع الوطني الملكية

محاضرة بعنوان القوة البحرية الملكية في كلية الدفاع الوطني الملكية

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The breakfast banquet for military retirees

The breakfast banquet for military retirees

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Delegate of the supreme commander of the Jordanian armed Forces, His Majesty King Abdullah II, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sponsoring the g

Delegate of His Majesty King Abdullah II, commander-in-chief of the Jordanian armed Forces, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sponsored Lieutenant General Mahmoud Abdel Halim Freihat, Royal Jordanian National Defense College on Tuesday, graduation ceremony of the National defense 14 and War 23>

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Royal Jordanian National Defense College organizes a symposium on "Cyberspace and the industry of extremism and terrorism"

Participants discussed the Symposium "Cyberspace and the industry of extremism and terrorism" organized by the Royal Jordanian National Defense College today to scholars at to scholars in the two sessions of the 14 defense and war 23 of the war on electronic terrorism as one of the most dangerous types of terrorism in the era

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Director General of the Free Zones Corporation lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College

the Director general of the Free Zones Foundation, Mr. wahb, Aoamleh said during his lecture to scholars at the 14 defense and War 23 sessions in the Royal Jordanian National Defense College today entitled "free economic areas and qualified and its role in the national economy

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