Former Prime Minister Ensour lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College


Former Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Ensour said: "It is agreed that no progress or stability is possible without peace, not in the country itself but in the entire region." On Wednesday, the lecture delivered at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College, entitled "Management of the Jordanian State in Light of the Variables of the Strategic, Political and Economic Environment", for scholars in the 20th Defense Course, in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General and directing staff. Dr. Ensour stated that Jordan is the only country surrounded by turmoil from all sides, which imposed many political, economic, social and military challenges on it, in addition to limited resources, as our region is characterized by the scarcity of arable land, which does not exceed 10% of the Kingdom’s area, which is almost limited. In the area preoccupied with urbanization, residential expansion, desertification and water scarcity. Dr. Ensour stated that Jordan is the only country surrounded by turmoil from all sides, which imposed many political, economic, social and military challenges on it, in addition to limited resources, as our region is characterized by the scarcity of arable land, which does not exceed 10% of the Kingdom’s area, which is almost limited. In the area preoccupied with urbanization, residential expansion, desertification and water scarcity. Ensour stressed that Jordan was able to a large extent to deal with all these challenges and risks with wisdom and moderation, and was able to absorb and deal with all the developments that occurred in the regional environment surrounding us, and was also able to build a solid governmental administration that deals with all developments and tries to absorb them wisely and rationally. At the end of the lecture, an extensive discussion took place, during which the lecturer answered the scholars' questions and inquiries