The head of the Civil Service Bureau lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense CollegeV


On Monday, the head of the Civil Service Bureau, Sameh Al-Nasser, delivered a lecture entitled "The Civil Service Bureau's strategy in reducing unemployment and employing competencies in state institutions", for scholars in the 20th National Defense Course, in the presence of the college's commander, Brigadier General Al-Nasser said: "The Bureau is responsible for planning and managing human resources in the Jordanian civil service and developing it, attracting competencies and nominating them for departments, managing human resources and developing human resources, in a way that provides the best possible inputs from the human resources needed by the government apparatus, in addition to the role of the legislative and oversight office." In providing recommendations and proposals aimed at modernizing and developing legislation governing the civil service. Al-Nasser indicated that the Civil Service Bureau's strategic plan for the years 2020-2022 aimed to ensure the provision of all services within the standards of quality, efficiency and transparency, and to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment systems to meet the needs of departments of human resources according to the required job competencies, in addition to enhancing the ability to properly plan human resources and efficiently. Its distribution and proper use, enhancing the effectiveness of human resources in the civil service, consolidating creativity and excellence, and strengthening the oversight and societal role of the Civil Service Bureau. Al-Nasser indicated that the Bureau has taken practical steps to launch its initiative (the Jordanian national license for entrepreneurship), in line with the government's direction to move from employment to operation, and that the outputs of the work of the team formed with the membership of all parties concerned with this important project will soon culminate in the signing of memorandums of understanding with the partners. Due to the limited ability of the government apparatus to employ on the one hand, and the existence of great opportunities and capabilities provided by the various loan funds, the latest of which was the self-employment program (Enhd) on the other hand. Al-Nasser also stressed the importance of moving towards education and vocational and technical training at the expense of academic education in the humanitarian disciplines, specifically educational and educational ones, due to the presence of huge numbers of them in the Diwan's inventory, while stressing once again that the private sector is the most important operator in society for manpower, and every effort must be intensified. It is possible to ensure the competitiveness of this sector by reducing production costs as much as possible, while motivating Jordanian youth to move towards entrepreneurship, as it absorbs about 25% of the workforce who work in small projects, whether service or industrial and agricultural production, which receive royal attention and patronage. Al-Nasser explained the challenges facing the Jordanian labor market, the most prominent of which is the absorption of the growing annual flow of the Jordanian labor force, as the Jordanian labor market is considered a source and a future of employment at the same time, as it exports manpower with high education and qualification and imports labor with limited skills to work in sectors that are not accepted It is the Jordanians. In addition to the imbalance in the distribution of the workforce sectorally, educationally and vocationally, which is one of the most prominent problems that the Jordanian labor market suffers from, and the continued flow of non-Jordanian labor into the labor market, as the percentage of officially registered non-Jordanian labor to the total labor force in the Jordanian labor market in 2021 was about (18.4%), and poor alignment of the outputs of the educational and training system with the actual needs of the labor market, which leads to an increase in unemployment rates and limited jobs created annually for new entrants to the labor market. He explained that the labor force in Jordan is estimated at (1.7 million) and includes the employed and the unemployed, of whom the employed amount to (1.3 million) and the percentage of wage workers constitutes (85.9%). Regarding the Bureau's tendency towards recruitment and appointment based on competencies, Al-Nasser stated that the Bureau has applied the new methodology in appointment according to job competencies, whether they are essential, general, professional or technical, on the appointments of the Ministry of Health in the year 2021 and on the appointments of the Ministry of Education for the past year, and continues to expand its scope on appointments rest of the devices. Noting that it is a gradual transition from the concept of role and competitive ranking to the concept of competitive competitions through open media based on justice, equal opportunities and transparency in filling vacant positions in the civil service according to the instructions for selecting and appointing employees in the civil service, so that a percentage of (10%) is allocated during the first six years. From the number of vacancies available in the government job formation table, this percentage will increase to (20%) for the following two years, as starting from the date of issuance of the government job formation table for the year 2027, work will be suspended with the concept of role and competitive arrangement to fill vacancies in the civil service.