A lecture entitled "The Role of Strategic Planning in Crisis Management" at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College


 On Sunday, Prof. Majed  al musaada, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Zarqa University, gave a lecture entitled “The Role of Strategic Planning in Crisis Management” for scholars in the National Defense Course 18, in the presence of the college commander, Chairman and Members of the directing staff.

Musaada said that strategic planning is a set of decisions and activities related to formulating and implementing the strategy necessary to achieve the goals of the organization, and it is a systematic process to determine how the organization will move from the current situation to its desired future.

Indicating that the planning process aims to provide the legal and administrative basis for managers of disaster and crisis management and confrontation teams to act and take decisions, and to provide the necessary steps and stages to confront them when they occur in an organized and rational manner.

Emphasizing that strategic planning contributes clearly to the future vision and strategic decision-making. And to achieve understanding and commitment by all workers in the organization. (Directors and employees) also helps the organization in becoming a learning organization

He pointed out that the disaster and crisis management plan is going through development stages, the first of which is defining the working mechanisms for developing a disaster and crisis management plan, and determining the need and legal cover for the disaster and crisis management plan. And forming a disaster and crisis management team, in addition to identifying needs and capabilities. And disaster and crisis management plan.

At the end of the lecture, an extended discussion took place during which the guest lecturer answered the scholars ’questions and inquiries.