Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh lectures at RJNDC


Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh lectures at RJNDC

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of the Abu Ghazaleh International Group, praised the role of His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, Supreme Commander of the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF), to develop knowledge technology and his permanent efforts to transform Jordan into a knowledge-based country produces and sells knowledge.  This coming in lecture title (intelligent military defense techniques using Technologies, communications and knowledge "at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College for scholars in the Defense Course 15 and War Course 24.

Abu Ghazala expressed his pride in serving  Jordanian Armed Forces / Arab Army in all its units and working under the Hashemite banner led by His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein.

Dr. Abu Ghazaleh emphasized on the importance of military inventions and work to develop them through several proposals and making a plan of action to promote the armed forces technology and intellectually. Armed forces are an important environment for inventions because they provide discipline and high moral value. Armed forces carry a message of jihad and not paid job. Dr. Abu Ghazaleh pointed out that half of the American inventions originated from the armed forces. He added that a huge development will happen in the world in a century from now in which robot will be capable to control all over world and we are now studying how to prevent the robot from taking control of the world because we are in the face of a historical transformation revolves around the digital education that will overshadow education paper.

He stressed on the importance of the military role in creation of knowledge for technical advancement, pointing out that the purpose of this meeting is to recommend formation a committees to study all the technical aspects of the military exercise and formation a team of experts studies how to turn the armed forces to become smart forces.

Dr. Ghazaleh spoke about the success of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Company, which works through 107 offices around the world in development of smart programs so customers in different countries can deal with modern technologies and facilities, indicating that they are the largest translation company in the world.

At the end of the lecture, which was attended by RJNDC Commandant and Directing Staff an expanded discussion  occurred during the lecture which the guest speaker answered questions and queries of the scholars. Dr. Abu Ghazala was grateful of RJNDC Commandant Brigadier Nasser Al-Muheerat invitation. He also expressed his honor of the high level of military and training efficiency in college and their programs in accordance with the status of the Kingdom and His Majesty.