President of Mutah University lectures at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College


The President of Mutah University, Dr. Arafat Awajan, said: "His Majesty the Supreme Leader, King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, referred in the seventh discussion paper to the importance of concerted efforts of all, people, government, and private and public institutions, to provide an incubating environment and secure the necessary needs, in order to build our human capabilities through A sound and effective educational system that bears fruit every time, with the effort of the sons and daughters of this country of all walks of life.” On Wednesday, he delivered alectuer at the Royal Jordanian National Defense College entitled "The Role of Public Universities in Enhancing Jordanian National Security" for scholars in the 20th Defense Course, in the presence of the College Commandant, Brigadier General and directing staff. Awajan indicated that the relationship between universities and national security is a bilateral, participatory relationship in two directions. Just as the university is a product of its society and its social and economic reality, it is an influencing and reinforcing factor on this reality and affecting the security and safety of society. Awajan stressed that what the university is doing establishes the good citizen, who represents the main element in the national security system. University education and national security revolve around one axis, as both are linked to the human being, society and the future. At the end of the lecture, an extensive discussion took place, during which the lecturer answered the scholars' questions and inquiries.